
Our Vision
The vision of the NC NTSP is to be a leader in university-based induction support through the belief in and practice of transformative, intentional coaching to increase student achievement by improving beginning teacher effectiveness and retention.
Our Mission
The mission of the NC NTSP is to support beginning teachers through consistent, individualized, in-the-moment/cognitive coaching aligned to individualized growth and personalized professional development with an equity focus.
What Can We Do For You?
The North Carolina New Teacher Support Program (NC NTSP) is a comprehensive, university-based induction program offering a research-based curriculum and multiple services designed to increase teacher effectiveness, enhance skills, and reduce attrition among beginning teachers. The goal of the NC NTSP is to improve student achievement by improving beginning teacher effectiveness and promoting teacher retention through three core services: (1) instructional skills Institute; (2) intensive, individualized classroom coaching; and (3) aligned professional development sessions.